PacMan 3D V3 with Jelly 😋 ❤️ C4D4U PacMan 3D Animation V2 (little bit Jelly 😋) ❤️ C4D4U Here comes my third version of PacMan 3D. This time the whole […]
PacMan 3D Animation V2 (little bit Jelly 😋) ❤️ C4D4U PacMan 3D Animation V2 (little bit Jelly 😋) ❤️ C4D4U Here comes my second version of PacMan 3D Animation with […]
Softbody Simulation V23 Softbody Simulation / Animation V23 Where can I get my Tetrominos from? 😋 I know you like Jelly Tetris. Here is my SOFTBODY SIMULATION / ANIMATION V23 […]
Marble Run Animaton 1 Here comes my first video of the series “Marble Run Animation”. Thank you for helping me with the survey to find a suitable name. I hope […]
Softbody Simulation / Animation V21 For all who wanted to eat my animations ? Here is my SOFTBODY SIMULATION / ANIMATION V21 ? This animation is created with Cinema 4D […]
Hardbody Simulation / Animation V1 I hope you like that??? I was not sure if that was a good idea to upload this animation. You know that I like Softbody […]
Softbody Tetris V15 Here is my fifteenth version of Softbody Tetris 😉This time a video in space (ha ha ha) It makes me happy to create such stuff. It makes […]
Softbody Simulation / Animation V20-2 This is only the I Piece from this race: Softbody Simulation / Animation V20 (Cinema 4D) Only I Piece SOFTBODY SIMULATION / ANIMATION V20 created […]
Softbody Simulation / Animation V18 A little idea that I created quickly ? I do not know if you like it, so I did not notify subscribers on YouTube. I […]