In this section you will find all softbody simulations.
It’s a lot of fun to work with the possibilities of the Dynamics Engine, but also with Softbody and much more. The ideas for such simulations are not enough for me. I would create much more animations, but unfortunately rendering them takes a lot of time.
I hope you like this video 😉
Softbody Playground V55 | Tetrominoes ❤️ C4D4U
Unfortunately it didn't turn out so well | Modified Softbody Simulation 87 ❤️ C4D4U
Softbody Simulation V88 ❤️ C4D4U
Softbody Tetris V41 | Hair Style ❤️ C4D4U
Can you dance like that? ❤️ C4D4U
Only the liquid one from Softbody Simulation 87 | I love the liquid ❤️ C4D4U
Softbody Simulation 87 | I love the liquid one ❤️ C4D4U
Softbody Tetris V40 | Color Version | without Z and S ❤️ C4D4U