Softbody Tetris V31 | Minecraft Style ❤️ C4D4U

Softbody Tetris V31 | Minecraft Style ❤️ C4D4U

SOFTBODY Tetris V31 Minecraft Style on YouTube

This animation is a remake of Softbody Tetris V31. This is my Minecraft Style. Minecraft is a very cool game. I love it like tetris.
I find this version one of the best to try out some textures. I will definitely make more versions of it, because you can see the textures best here. I hope this is ok for you.
I know you want newer videos … they will come of course. The calculation time for softbody Tetris animations | simulations are extremely high.
So please understand that remakes will come from time to time. Unfortunately, the render times remain so high (especially for Jelly Tetris versions).

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This was requested several times by the best C4D4U community.
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I would be happy if you like my videos and enjoy them.


00 Days
11 Hours
50 Minutes
54 Seconds
Rendered by multiple computers!

My Equipment:

In the future I will learn more Blender and Houdini FX. Blender is very cool and free.


If you would like to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee ☕ 😃❤️



Relax and enjoy this video. ASMR for my eyes. Some people make it happy and satisfied. It also has a calming effect.

ASMR = Autonomous sensory meridian response



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