Here is my fourteenth version of Softbody Tetris 😉
I love this video (despite the mistakes)
It makes me happy to create such stuff. It makes a lot of fun.
ASMR for my eyes 😉
I love the original Tetris game.
And I love Jelly ?
I heard this great music and wanted to do a Tetris video with it. I then searched for Japanese houses and found a beautiful one. I then reconstructed that with Cinema 4D (similar).
Unfortunately there are some mistakes in the video.
The first mistake is the roof. You see that it looks different in the end. In my opinion, a bug. The error was only at the master computer and only during team rendering. Viewport and image manager rendering was bug free. The slave computer had always created the correct image.
That’s why the second mistake. The transition from one computer to another. ’00: 36 ‘.
One more mistake is that the dynamic simulation stops a few seconds too early. That’s why the last Tetris part stops too early
Another big mistake is the upper part in the house.
Rendertime: I think 1 Week with breaks. Two PC (2 Titan RTX, 2 Titan xP)
This is the reason for no priview images from the rendertime.
This animtion I have created with Cinema 4D, Redshift, RealFlow, and Forester.
Unfortunately, my videos are copied very often. That’s why you see the C4D4U logo so often in the szene. Sorry for that.
Relax and enjoy this Tetris video. Some people make it happy and satisfied. It also has a calming effect.
ASMR = Autonomous sensory meridian response
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Iam download softbody Tetris v14