Softbody Simulation / Animation V19

Softbody Simulation / Animation V20 only I Piece
Softbody Simulation / Animation V20
A little Race between the Tetrominos 😉
SOFTBODY SIMULATION / ANIMATION V20 created with Cinema 4D and REDSHIFT for the rendering.
It makes a lot of fun to work with the Dynamics Engine from Cinema 4D
I’m not really happy with the result. It is a bit too dark and the tetrominos are not so well recognized.
A post-processing of the brightness gave no good results. That’s why I left it as it was.
Rendertime: 64 hours (REDSHIFT + 2 TITAN Xp and 2 Titan RTX).
(Three parts: 13, 22, 19 hours)

Rendertime Softbody Simulation V20

Rendertime Softbody Simulation V20 Finish

Rendertime Softbody Tetris V20 Endpart
Relax and enjoy this video. ASMR for my eyes. Some people make it happy and satisfied. It also has a calming effect.
ASMR = Autonomous sensory meridian response