I love Cinema 4D Wallpaper

Collision with Voronoi Fracture ( CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL )
Dancing woman on a Cube Animation
In this video i have made an animation with Cinema 4D. I used the motion tracker, dynamics tags like, rigid body and collider.
The animated girl i have found on Mixamo. There are a lot of animation stuff and Characters.
The video was made by my iPhone 7 plus. The original video are looks better. I think the compression by my programs and YouTube has decreased the quality.
In this video are any issues i have forgot to delete. You can see it 😉
Any images of the video i must render again (10). On this images you have seen planes.
Rendertime 35 hours i think (2 Computers).It would certainly have gone faster if I had used own channels for the objects in the scene. Then I would have to use in After Effects only the background. I must try this soon.
I hope you enjoy the video 😉